Our School
Our School
St Eunan’s National school is a 5 teacher primary school with 2 Special Education teachers located along the main Donegal Town to Sligo road just beside Laghey village. While under the patronship of the diocese of Raphoe we welcome and are inclusive of children from all faiths and backgrounds and current enrolment reflects this diversity. With a pupil enrolment of 118, the school boasts a wide range of facilities which promote and encourage educational, physical and social attainment among its pupils. Our school has a dedicated Special Education team which includes 2 teachers plus 5 SNAs. Children with complex needs are catered for with a tailored School Support plan.
The school is proud to have 5 state of the art classrooms, staffroom, 2 Special Education rooms with wheelchair accessibility.
Outside the school are pleased to boast a state of the art 3G All Weather Pitch and a full size Basketball Court. It is a hub of activity every day with active break and lunch times and prides itself in teaching through an active learning approach.
For the past eleven years St. Eunan’s National School has participated in the Green School which promotes care of the environment and environmental awareness. They have inspired the children with walks around Lough Eske, Donegal Town and the local village itself and received their fifth green flag on Biodiversity which involved the creation of a new school garden and sensory area. The school are now working towards their sixth Green Flag; Global Citizenship-Litter and Waste.
As well as an evolving and efficient delivery of the core curriculum the school has made the best use possible of the wealth of talent and knowledge the local and wider community possess by opening their doors and welcoming a vast array of extra-curricular support to their teaching. This has included visits from a music teacher, computer teacher, historians who creates plays with the children ranging from topics based around the Titanic, the Famine and the Vikings to name but a few. Children also participate in Swimming lessons in the Central Hotel. A local parent, Breege Haughey has also participated in teaching the children about painting portraits and local Donegal men Jarla Duffy and John D Ruddy (cartoonists) come into the school and do animated drawings with the children. Many other parents have volunteered their expertise and skills in different areas.
Despite Covid restrictions we have continued our engagement with the local community through Zoom classes.
Each year we have someone from local heritage organisations such as the Fishery Board and Heritage for Schools, in school to share their wisdom and this can often expand to mini-beast hunts, beach trails and river walks to name but a few. Employees from Abbott participate annually in a six-week programme covering various topics with the children such as Business, Entrepreneurship and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).
For the sporting enthusiasts Brian Roper has been involved in coaching Gaelic football and we’ve had a number of basketball coaches teaching children new skills. Leslie Robinson from Murvagh golf club has given lessons and the children participate annually in the primary school athletics competitions and also in both the indoor and outdoor Cumann na mBunscol competitions. In the area of Health Education we have had various Mindfulness coaches in the school promoting positive mindset. We are involved annually in the Súgradh le Chéile programme initiated by the HSE; all of this which has contributed to our attainment of the Active Schools Flag.
From a Catholic ethos perspective we actively involve the children in Catholic Schools Week, St Brigid cross making and sacramental involvement throughout the year as well as choirs, mass participation and Christmas and Easter celebrations.
Ó thaobh Gaeilge de tá a lán imeachtaí eagraithe i rith na scoil bliana. Bíonn na múinteoirí ag diriú isteach ar léitheoireacht Gaeilge agus spreagann siad na páistí chun Gaeilge a labhairt i rith an lae. Bíonn na páistí gníomhach i ngach ceacht Gaeilge ag úsáid cluichí, drámaíocht, amhráin, dánta agus ealaín. Le haghaidh Seachtain na Gaeilge (1-17 Márta) glacann na páistí páirt i go leor gníomhachtaí and bíonn siad ag fáil amach cad is brí le bheith Gaelach! Bíonn Lá Glas againn, ceolchoirm, tráth na gceist, damhsa céilí agus cluichí boird Gaelach. Buaíonn na páistí a dhéanann an iarracht is mó teastais fá chóinne a nGaeilge labhartha ag deireadh Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Whether you are looking for; small classes for your child, a comfortable but innovative teaching environment which promotes active hands-on learning suited to all learning needs or the comfort of knowing your child is in a caring educational environment, we believe we have it all and if you’re curious to see just how we work feel free to visit us. From Seachtain na Gaeilge to Lá Glas, World Book Day and our Christmas production, we will allow your child to develop and progress socially and academically in an environment where all needs and abilities are catered for and a positive learning environment will flourish. We promote a holistic approach and encourage learning to give your child the best!!